If you are interested in entering the United States (U.S.) on a temporary basis, to study or visit, then you should consider applying for a student visa, a cultural exchange visa, or a tourist visa.

Student Visas (F-1 or M-1)

F-1 visas are for applicants whose primary purpose is to travel to the United States to study in an academic program, while the M-1 is for vocational programs. If your main reason for travel is to study, then you need a student visa.

Visas Exchange (J-1 or Q)

The visa category “J” involves a wide range of international programs, education and training, designed to increase understanding and collaboration between the United States and other countries. The Q visa is a similar program, but the application is via United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Tourist Visas

Tourist visas allow the holder to travel to the United States for leisure or business purposes.

If you are interested in coming to the United States either for school, cultural exchange or to visit, please contact AVA at (970) 680-1223 today!

Nobody believed [Jaci] could get the visa approved, but she refused to give up until she did!
— Immigration Client